Dynamic's purchasing function sources suppliers who can provide external solutions for internal business needs. We offer solutions in areas of direct materials purchasing, indirect purchasing (corporate) and contract manufacturing. Dynamic has been helping organizations improve supplier relationships and procurement processes. We partner to create a cost-effective vendor relationship that will contribute to your organization’s profitability. Your organization will reap the rewards provided by a stronger, more collaborative business arrangement with Dynamic and our Distribution Partner Network.

Industries We Serve
Appliance Accessories, Tools & RTO
Access Control
Automotive, Marine & GPS
Body Worn Cameras
Cell Phone Accessories
Collaboration Communication
Contact Center Conference Units
Computer Peripherals & Home
Office Communications Hardware
Cyber & Firewall Security
Data Center Networking
Device Mobility
Emergency Alarm/Mass Audio Notification
Facilities Supply Sourcing
Healthcare and Medical Supply Sourcing
Home Theatre & Custom Install
Houseware & Personal Care
IT Security
LCD/LED/Touch Displays
Medical Facilities Sourcing
Outdoor Recreation & Fitness
Portable & Personal Electronics
Pro Audio & Home Entertainment
Protective Safety Supplies
Rack, Cabling & Mount Accessories
Remote Network Monitoring
Security Software
Storage & Recording Solutions
Surveillance, Safety & Security
Unified Communications
Video Surveillance
Wireless, Servers & Networking
Serving Veterans Since 2000
I cannot match what my father, God father, and their comrades did for our country, but I can do my best to provide them with the best tools for their care and that of all Veterans who seek care at any VA facility that Dynamic is able to serve. -- Krista Kaminski
As the CEO of Dynamic, I understand the honor of being a Veteran, I am proudly the daughter of a U.S. Army Retired Disabled Veteran. My company has worked with VAs across the U.S. for 20+ years, providing communications and IT hardware, as well as Facilities products and equipment, Security Software, Call Centers and additional IoT solutions. We are a well-founded company with a history of strong performance serving Government (federal, state and municipal) and Hospitals and Facilities as well as public and non-profit Medical and Hospital Systems, Education Systems, Universities and Manufacturing Facilities. We understand your business, its procurement model and how to deliver within your required needs.
In 2019, COVID surely brought us all new challenges - including the necessity to quickly deliver atypical solutions within tight timeframes with value and budget consciousness--we successfully delivered. After one video conference call with procurement agents, we established new relationships with distributors to negotiate wholesale pricing to deliver solutions that included: stanchions, facility & warehousing supplies, video surveillance, a diverse array of healthcare, surgical, imaging & medical supplies, storage & recording solutions, PPE supplies, work from home equipment and supplies and much more.